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High-G RSI White Paper

The AMIC High-G Repetitive Strain Injury (High-G RSI) White Paper is the AMIC's synopsis of the 2021 RRVA Online High-G RSI Survey. The white paper is a discussion of the responses to the survey's questions along with AMIC insights as to the meaning of survey data. The white paper contains two appendices, the actual 2021 High-G RSI Survey, the other a bibliography of key aerospace medicine peer reviewed literature that further describes the phenomenon of High-G RSI. Next, it's important to bear in mind that the term High-G RSI does not yet appear in the U.S. 38 CFR federal diagnostic codes nor does it appear in the VBA MCM 21-1 Claims Adjudication Benefit Manual. Instead, the AMIC coined the phrase High-G RSI to provide a readymade, accessible explanation for what this committee work is addressing. A word of caution for Veterans seeking to submit a claim for High-G RSI service connection based on a military aviation career spent in high performance fighter/attack aviation aircraft: the survey tells a story but it does not meet the evidentiary requirements mandated by VBA claims examiners. Instead, we seek to change underlying federal law to level the playing field for Veterans who seek High-G RSI service connection. Go well.






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