The River Rats Aviator Medical Issues Committee The RRVA AMIC was organized by the Executive Committee of the Red River Valley Fighter Pilots Association (RRVA) in late 2019. The goal of the Aviator Medical Issues Committee (AMIC) is to organize RRVA support around medical issues that may affect the health of River Rats, especially for the preponderance of Rats who are post-military aviators. Since its inception, the AMIC remains focused on two efforts that we believe—if borne out by research data, are of significance to all Rats and all current/former military aviators everywhere: aviator cancers and High-G Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI).
Our key internal accomplishments to date: Introducing the aviator cancers discussions among River Rats everywhere.
Introducing the High-G RSI discussion among River Rats everywhere.
Leading an internal information and education campaign to assist River Rats in understanding the aviator medical issues being actively worked by the AMIC.
Developing a short range and longer range strategy to best assist River Rats obtain service connection for their cancer diagnoses.
Our key external accomplishments to date:
Conducting a RRVA-wide Pilot Cancer Survey in Fall 2019 and telling the story of that survey to the U.S. press.
Working closely with the U.S. Air Force in the development and conduct of a landmark cancer investigation, the U.S. Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine (USAFSAM) May 2021 Aviator Cancers Study. The findings of this study are described on the associated tab.
Working closely with federal lawmakers on the development and successful enactment of Section 750 of the Fiscal Year 2021 National Defense Authorization. This amendment to the defense bill directed DOD’s Defense Health Agency (DHA) to undertake in CY2021 the first-ever aviator cancer survey of military flyers and support personnel. The DHA will report its findings to Congress in early CY2022.
Actively participating in the public discussion within the U.S. press of cancers among military aviators.
Conducting the first-ever online survey of the matter of musculo-skeletal injuries to aircrews of high-G military fighter/attack aircraft. The RRVA AMIC coined the term, “High-G Repetitive Strain Injury (High-G RSI) for the basket of associated spinal injuries that are linked to years of high-G flying.
In 2022, the AMIC reported the results of its CY2021 High-G RSI Survey, debut its 5-year Cancers Campaign, continue to lead the public discussion of aviator cancers, advocate for RRVA aviator cancer proposals to federal lawmakers, and roll out the AMIC’s expanded online web presence at the RRVA homepage. We lead the way. |